Sunday 5 January 2014

Day 005: (not-so-)Tiny Weaver

Tonight was the dark moon...well, it was actually a waxing crescent, but tonight was the night OakSun Grove celebrated the dark moon. A couple of the ladies came over to my place, we had some food and ice-blocks and discussed coven business, then had an awesome ritual in my pine forest.

While we were discussing coven business, I discovered a spider on my wall. And, well, I used to have arachnophobia, which I conquered when I was in high school, but my lack of practice in handling large arachnids has let the fear start creeping back in. He was big, but not insanely so...I've seen Huntsman spiders in the house with a leg span of 20 centimetres (eight inches for the Imperialists). But He was big enough to freak me out and send me running for a plastic container to scoop it into.

The spider was either ill or in the process of shedding his old exoskeleton...he moved slowly and was quite clumsy. After taking a photo as evidence, I released the spider under the possum tree.*

* Actually a large shrub with pink flowers similar to large wattle flowers...I don't know the actual name, put possums love to eat the flowers.

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